Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Back to School

Where has the summer gone? Today is the first day of school for the kids at REL. The Kirven kids were all ready and only slightly apprehensive about starting their new grades. It was easy to get them all up and out the door to school on time this morning. Since I was up from 3:00 on I even had a good hot breakfast cooked for them to eat. I wonder what tomorrow will be like. I have a sneaky suspicion that it will be a bit more difficult to rouse the troops and likely be a cereal breakfast. Anna Grace is now in the fifth grade and has moved into the middle school building on the hill. My how she has grown. It is so hard for me to see her move up. Sara Abbett is in Mrs. Hickson's second grade class with a lot of her good friends and Josh is Mrs. Stock's first grade also with a bunch of his friends and his cousin Cameron. Life is good.
good morning girls

Josh was weighted down by his bookbag full of supplies.

Wake up Gracie.

They do love each other. Here's proof.

Josh in his desk. He looks so small.

Gracie and Kamryn didn't want me to bother them with the camera.

Rabbie and Morgan C. getting reacquainted

1 comment:

Betsy Marchant said...

So cute! I love these back to school pictures!

It also made me giggle that Mrs. Hickson still teaches second grade and that you move to the hill in 5th grade.