Thursday, May 29, 2008
New Hair
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Miss Grace
Friday, May 23, 2008
Last Insane Week of School and other stuff
Sara Abbett getting her diploma from Miss Eva
Rab and Zeke after the program
When the program was over Mom, Mere and I loaded up all of the children and took them to the library to see Clifford the Big Red Dog.
K-5 in the opening shots of the program.
My children had a ball running around down town all day checking out the tv crews and all of their equipment as well as the many vendors. They even took a spin through the lizard museum. Mr. Bob from ETV asked Josh, who he accurately nicknamed bad boy, to hang with him in one of his segments. Josh though that was pretty cool. Me too actually. It was a wonderful and VERY long day but I wouldn't trade these memories for anything.
Last but certainly not least this week Josh played his last coaches pitch game Thursday night. Anna Grace and I missed it because we had a little cookout to celebrate the end of third grade and to say goodbye to Miss Rizzo who is moving away.
Tonight we hung out together, played outside and ate leftovers. Now it's time for a long sleep.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
K-4 Graduation
They ended the program with a slide show of the pictures taken throughout the year. So sweet but I could see the class clown being Josh's future. He made funny faces in almost every picture. Kind of like these that I took when we go to school.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Rusty Power Ranger Kirven
Since our big dog Blue died and Honey is getting on up in years, I have been begging Tim to get us another dog but he would not even talk about it. Look what he brought home last night for a one week trial. Think he is gonna take this baby back. I don't think so! We are in love.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Spring Music Program
Anna Grace
Sara Abbett
Mary Ellen
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Josh Speaks
I asked him if he would like to take off one pair of the pants he said, "No this is AWESOME."
This morning he was desperately looking for "long sleeved pants".
Also, Saturday in Lowe's as we were patiently waiting to check out my precious boy said to the checkout lady, "Whats up Toots?". Toots? Toots? Who says Toots? What in the world am I gonna do with a 5 year old that is calling ladies Toots? Who teaches him these things?
God give me strength please!