Thursday, January 28, 2010

Squirrel Hunter

Josh and his daddy love to hunt. Santa even brought Joshua his first real gun this year for Christmas. Not to worry, he does NOT ever touch it unless his is with his Daddy. Anyway, they have been hunting numerous times for deer, ducks and of all things squirrels. I am so happy that our boy is finally old enough to do these activities with his daddy. Last night was a big night for J because he finally killed his first squirrel. He was so proud of himself and came running into the house for me and my camera. Just look at his face beaming. Soon he and his Daddy are going to cook and eat those tree rats while the girls and I find something, anything, else to do.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Let Them Be Little

I have tried to make my children independent people who can do for themselves in most aspects of life. They can bathe by themselves, make simple meals, do their own laundry, pack their own lunches, etc. Because of their self sufficient ways, I often forget that they are still little children. I was reminded of this the other night when Josh was having one of his tantrums. He had had a "horrible day" and couldn't control the anger and tears. Anyway, I thought I would, for once, put aside what I was doing, run him a bubble bath and sit by the tub while he bathed. He and I talked about stuff and just hung out together for a while. He was soothed from the mood of earlier and I had some time to be still and listen to him.

It hit me that I expect them to do so much on their own that I don't get to enjoy those little moments like I should. My babies are growing up so fast and I realize I have to slow down and enjoy their company while they still want mine. Life is so good.