Joshua, my precious boy, completed our family on January 30, 2003 at 9:00 a.m. I was induced with him just 4 days past his due date. He loves to hear the story of how his big sister, Anna Grace, was holding him shortly after he was born, before they took him to the nursery, and he tee teed on her. The boy was born to torment his sisters. What a change it was to have a boy baby in the house. I think every time I had to change his diaper as a little baby, I also had to change the bedding in his cradle. Seems a boy has super powers when it comes to soaking their clothes.
There is something really special about the bond between a mother and her son. It is just different than with the girls. Not that it is more love, that simply is impossible, it's just special. Probably the bond between fathers and their little girls is the same.
He makes me smile even when I am ready to pull his beautiful little head off. You just can't help but laugh at him when he forever makes strange faces and noises. He is ALL boy for sure. He loves to play ball or run real fast, he has been hunting with his daddy and gone camping on the river over night. None of that for the girls of the Kirven house, nosiree. He can turn anything in to a gun, a cotton ball, piece of paper, pen or leaf absolutely anything. Josh, being the wild man that he is loves all of the movie characters that we as good parents would never let him watch (yeah right) such as the real Batman, Superman, Transformers and Ghost Rider as well as anything ninja. I reminded him last night that ninjas always hug and kiss their moms any time she may need a love and my angel puckered up for me. Oh how I love that my baby will still love on me. I fear the day is coming soon when my boy will want nothing to do with me. For now I will take every kiss or hug I can get.
My life is good.