Thursday, October 30, 2008
Happy Birthday Anna Grace
Wow does time ever fly. It has been ten wonderful years since our beautiful Anna Grace was born. Happy Birthday my precious girl.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Girl Scouts can Party
The girls Scout troop had their Halloween party Friday night. They did a bunch of line dancing and running around. I am not one to enjoy such things but it is always such fun watching the girls enjoy themselves with their friends. They had a few snacks too. Sara Abbett, my healthy eater, came up to me and said, "They only have junk to eat here." I promised to make her a salad when we got home. Where in the world did that kid come from.
More Pumpkins
Sara Abbett's class went to Hermitage Baptist Church in Camden for their pumpkins this year. I was honestly not expecting much from this trip. It just didn't seem the same as walking through the pumpkin fields looking for the Great Pumpkin. I was pleasantly surprised by this trip. The class was broken into four groups which rotated through the activities they had planned. They heard stories, decorated a little pumpkin, went on a hayride, wandered through the pumpkin parking lot and finally were fed lunch. It was fabulous!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Pumpkin Pumpkin
Today was our K-5 field trip to McLeod farm in McBee. The children had a great time searching for the perfect pumpkin to take home.

The boys posing for all of the mamas. Didn't get the girls.
Waiting to hear a story.
Josh found the right one finally.
He actually raised his hand to answer a question!! YAY
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Homecoming and the Cotton Festival
We have had another great weekend. The girls had their good friends Madison and Morgan Copeland spend the night with them on Friday night. We all (me and the 5 kids that is) went to REL's Homecoming game. Since it was raining we only made it through half time but that was enough for the kiddos. J got to see his friend Ethan L. be the ring bearer and the girls got to run around and play with all their buddies. We put the big girls in the playroom on an air mattress and pulled the mattresses off of the girls beds to make one in the middle of the girls room for the little two, I hugged kissed, said prayers and tucked everyone in by 10:00 then took my lazy exhausted self on to bed. I think the last time Timmy yelled for them to hush and go to sleep was somewhere around 2:30.
Saturday was the annual Lee County Cotton Festival. We tried to sleep in a little and got to town around noon for all the fun. We picked up Mere's new puppy, since they were at Clemson, and took her with us. She won a blue ribbon at the pet show for the smallest dog. We all enjoyed the parade, eating junk from the food vendors and shopping at the different booths. When Jennifer came to get her girls they all hid from us so we just sat and visited for a while. These came flying over the railing every few minutes. So cute!
Hard to read but they are notes begging for the Copelands to spend another night.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Constant Struggles
Lately it seems that I am completely incapable of doing anything. My house is always a wreck and this lazy slob has no desire to clean. I want a nice, tidy, organized, clean house but can't get to the point where housework is a priority. The children don't care how their bedrooms and bathrooms look so why should I. Thankfully I don't sleep or bathe upstairs cause it is perfectly disgusting up there. I try to keep mine and T's space semi clean but even that has fallen to the side. When I do get things straight it takes my family about 30 seconds to destroy all of my hard work. Then I am in a fury for days. I do love to cook and try to make healthy meals every night but some times when we get home from school and work all we can manage is a hot dog or something equally as gross. My body is also a wreck. I need a haircut like crazy. I look like a crazy frizzy gray headed witch. I am as fat as I have ever been but can't make myself get any exercise. Life is just overwhelming sometimes. I have so many blessings and reasons to be thankful that I feel guilty being such a downer but I am in one of those moods lately.

Josh's art work for the week
My precious boy was doing his homework the other night and grumping as usual when he blurted out, "I wish we could eliminate homework." Is that not hysterical?

Josh's art work for the week
My precious boy was doing his homework the other night and grumping as usual when he blurted out, "I wish we could eliminate homework." Is that not hysterical?
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