Abbett, bless her heart, is going to be my child who always needs a little extra. One day last week when I picked her up from dance camp she said it hurt when she tee teed. We had been through this once before so I ran her to the pediatrician for a urinalysis. She was as I knew she would be positive for a urinary tract infection. Dr. Mommy just knows what's going on with her children. Anyway, we left with a prescription for an antibiotic and orders to be rechecked in a couple days. Good news was the infection cleared up. Bad news was she had to be scheduled for a couple of tests to be sure her recurring
UTIs (this was the second in about six months) were not caused by something more serious. I took my precious baby to the hospital to have a renal ultrasound (piece of cake) and a test called a Voiding
Cystourethrogram or
VCUG (not such a piece of cake).
How is a
VCUG Performed?
In order to perform the
VCUG a small soft tube (catheter)
needs to be inserted into the urethra (where urine leaves
the body) and on into the bladder. Once the catheter is in
place, a special liquid contrast is brought through the
catheter into the bladder to expand it. While the bladder
is expanding special x-rays will be taken. Once the bladder
is fully expanded, the child will be asked to void
(urinate) while laying on the x-ray table. As the bladder
empties more x-rays will be taken.
I hated to put her through that but wanted to be sure she was
ok. The doctor said everything looked normal. Thank God! I laugh though it isn't funny wondering what kind of specialist or test she will have to see next year. The girl keeps us on our toes for sure.