Wednesday, August 19, 2009

And How Was School

The children had a great first day of school. They adjusted well, much to my relief, and are happy with their classes. I am not sending the kids to daycare this year but bringing them to work with me for the afternoon instead. I may not have any co-workers speaking to me before too long but it's what I have to do. They have been in daycare since K-3 so I have never had to deal with the line in the afternoons to pick up. WOW was that a sight. It took almost 30 minutes to get all of the children loaded up and on their way. I left work at ten minutes after two thinking I had given the masses time to clear out and would breeze through and pick up my angels. Not quite how it worked today. I think it takes a week or two to get a good routine going with that. Tomorrow I will be leaving a little later from work. Patience is a virtue not wasted on me. I do NOT like to wait in those lines. When I picked the children up today I asked each of them what their favorite part of their first day was.

Josh: Playing with Cameron. ~ I just hope it wasn't during class time.
Sara Abbett: um, um, um, um everything ~ clearly a thought through answer
Anna Grace: Math ~ interesting to me

Hope this is a sign that we will have a great year. Life is good.

1 comment:

Steph said...

Jenkins isn't going to daycare this year either. He is riding the bus to Kelleytown in the afternoon and my mom gets him and keeps him until I get off at 4pm. It works out MUCH better for me and hopefully homework will be completed by the time I get off! (Lucky for me, my mom was a K5 teacher for 20+ years) Jenkins will still have to go occasionally but very rarely during the school year. Here's hoping our kids have a great school year....and that Mrs. Stock makes it through without pulling her hair out! :o)