Thursday, September 24, 2009


My sister called me from school yesterday and said, "Come get Josh.". My first thought was flu symptoms since it is already going around these parts. But she continued with, "He fell and bumped his mouth.". Oh well I thought I will go kiss him and love him a bit and he will continue with his day. NOOOO not the case at all. I got there and could hear his crying in the parking lot. Mere was in the nurses office holding a very upset, very sweaty little Josh in her lap while "Miss" Robin was holding an ice pack on his mouth. Bless his heart he was hurt a lot more than I figured. He had been playing at PE and ran to get a ball, tripped and fell mouth first into the hard bleachers in the gym. He knocked out one of his teeth (a baby tooth that was already a bit loose thankfully) cut his lip and bruised his gums and lip. He told me later that the lights went out when he fell. I asked him why they turned out the lights and he said no mama I think I passed out. Wow! I immediately called our wonderful dentist, Dr. Evans, who was at home for his lunch break. He met me in his office a few minutes later, checked J out and sent us on our way to an oral surgeon. How wonderful is it to have a dentist or doctor who will leave from his lunch break to see you instead of making you wait for office hours. He had already made our appointment with Dr. McGinnis before even seeing Josh. We saw the oral surgeon an hour later and were told that he was gonna be just fine, sore for a while but fine. No need for any stitches or x-rays. God sure was watching out for us. In true Josh fashion, he informed me that the tooth fairy needed to bring him a hundred dollars for that tooth. This from the little creep who was angry two weeks ago when he only got "one stupid dollar" for the other front tooth that he lost the normal way. I love my boy. Life is good.


Kacy said...

YawZa...that is one fat lip! Poor baby! That tooth fairy better cough up some big ones for that fall! Hope he is feeling better soon!

P.S. He is still as cute as ever with that fat lip!

Bree said...

poor fellow.....