The mornings in our house are, as you would expect, chaotic but my most favorite moment of the day also takes place in the midst of all the insanity. I love to wake up my children, especially Josh. I snuggle up to him and he grouches that he doesn't want to get up then after some smooches and hugs and a few pokes in the ribs he is laughing and giving me the best hugs. It is so nice to have that time with him without any distractions or naughty behavior. I leave him to get up and dressed and journey the girls room to wake them up with a silly song and some big hugs. Since it is still pretty early in the school year they are not too hard to wake up and even smile for me. I'm sure the day is coming when I have to use a cattle prod to get them going but so far it's been great even on those days when we have overslept.
Here's where the title of my little story comes into play. This morning was an overslept morning so their daddy was in charge of getting the children up while I got ready. How does daddy wake up his precious angels? He yells from the den to get up. No hugs, silly songs and cuddles just a yell. Now I am happy that he gets the kids up and they don't seem to mind his way so I am not complaining. I just find the differences between our parenting styles
humorous and sometimes confounding. Life is so good.