Waking my children up in the mornings is an interesting event. I usually start with Josh who wants to snuggle a little bit before he will open his eyes. We talk for a few minutes and he gives me one last big hug before I move down the hall for the girls. I love those sweet moments with him before the insanity of our mornings really kicks in.
Next I go into the girls room and start singing a wake up song as I walk in. I start with Sara
Abbett by pulling back the covers and kissing her face. She wakes up and, most most mornings, smiles a big sleepy smile and says, "good morning Mommy" in her sweetest voice.
Last (for a reason) is Anna Grace. I pull back the covers and try to kiss her but before I can get to her she has jerked the covers back over her head. Now, I have mentioned before that I am most definitely NOT a morning person but this kid makes me look like
mary sunshine. Picture a bear in hibernation. I try several times to love on her a bit before I just snap, get up and get dressed.
This morning after waking the precious
pookies up chaos took over. Nobody had anything to wear! Can you believe it? With three closets plus dressers all with clothing in them there wasn't a single thing for anyone to wear. Somehow they managed to go to school
not naked.
Apparently hairbrushes and toothbrushes were invented as a form of torture because I had to fight to have them used. We had nothing good to put in lunch boxes. A simple fix, I broke out the checkbook. I foolishly asked my perfect children to go back upstairs to make sure they had turned off the lights. I am abusive that way. Princess grouchy bear growled and snapped at everyone all the way to school. I need a vacation from mornings.
I have to add a couple Josh thoughts.
This is the conversation Josh and I had the other day:
Me: Where in the world did you kids come from?
Josh: That bird that drops babies. He means a stork.
And this is a copy of the email I got from his teacher last week:
Hey, We did a sink/float activity today. One of the items that we tested was a cork. Josh was the one who knew what it was, that it goes in a wine bottle. Wonder how he knew that. ha!