Over the last several weeks we have had numerous animals come to visit. Some bad, see previous post, and some good. Some have come to stay, some have found new homes and one is deceased. We have had a baby wild turkey who has a new home with "Miss" Doris. Timmy brought us another new dog, we got one of Lacie's kittens and our latest acquisition is a tiny fawn. Life is always an adventure with my family. I, as most people know, am not much of an animal lover. I like to have dogs and cats around to protect the house and to keep the icky mice and snakes away but don't feel much of an attachment to them. Well, when my love brought Duck the fawn in I asked him if we shouldn't take him to our friend "Miss" Doris who raises any kind of animal but he would have no part of that. He wants to raise him. Fine...let's keep him then. Who do you think has been raising this baby? ME!!! We (I) have been working on finding the right formula for him. Some things don't agree with his tummy and if he gets diarrhea and I don't get it under control quickly he will die. Also since I have to wipe his bottom to make him poo, when his tummy is upset I get pooed on. There is more to deer care than I bargained for and though it is not my thing to nurture I am kind of enjoying the fact that Duck thinks I am his mother. He comes and nuzzles me when I go into his pen and, gross I know, sucks on my arm or more likely my chin after I feed him. This is not a glamorous life but it's mine. God is good to me.

Josh loves it.

Anna Grace is not sure about holding the turkey.
Purrcilla or
Bugsy depending who you ask.

Duck the buck
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