Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tis the Season

I have always wanted to be one of those people who have it all together. You know the ones, their Christmas cards are addressed by Thanksgiving, most if not all gifts are wrapped and ready by December 1st and the Christmas decorations are up and perfect. Every year I tell myself this is the year I will be more organized and have it all done early so I can actually enjoy this season without any stress. Again it is not happening. We still don't have our family tree purchased, boxes of decorations are everywhere but none of it is out in any kind of order, my dining room is a landing zone for any and everything that we don't feel like dealing with which is a LOT of stuff, our Christmas cards are finally addressed but sitting on my desk because I haven't gotten to the post office to buy stamps and mail them, and the list goes on. HO HO HO

1 comment:

Steph said...

If it makes you feel any better - my house looks like a tornado hit it!! My kitchen table is the 'landing zone' for any and everything! Let's not even talk about dust bunnies or the state of the kitchen. Even those of us that 'appear' to have it all together can't do it all this time of the year....so don't stress!!!