Monday, February 23, 2009
She Played Basketball
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Josh Does It AGAIN
Hey,A police officer was walking the hall a while ago. Miss carolyn told the children that she might be looking for students not behaving. She said that the officer might tell them to go home. Josh K. said Oh, good we can go to my house and have a party. I can see it now. In high school, guess who will be in charge of parties? Ha!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Art by Kirvens
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Father Daughter Dance
Every year the local Girl Scout troop has a Father Daughter Valentine dinner and dance. Last night Timmy took his girl out for their date. This is the 4th year for Timmy to court is little girl. Sadly Sara Abbett had to miss this year and last due to illness. Anna Grace is always so proud to clean up put on a hint of make up and go on a date with her Daddy. She even let me have a mini photo shoot with her before they went. Wow do I love my family.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
25 Random Things..
I'm not following the rules. I am not tagging anyone and I am not using Facebook but here goes:
25 Random things about Missy
- I have been married to a wonderful man who loves me in spite of my weirdness for 11 years.
- I have three beautiful, smart, sassy children who make my life so exciting. Anna Grace 10 Sara Abbett 7 and Josh 6 Every day with them is an adventure.
- My house is never completely clean.
- I am a total germaphobe! I hate to go to movies, drink from water fountains or even go to the doctors office for fear of catching something.
- It excites me when someone comments on this blog.
- My favorite place on earth is my home. I would rather be here with my family than any exotic location you can come up with.
- I loathe onions.
- Being pregnant was wonderful. I loved every minute of it and would do it again many times over but don't want any more children. My favorite stage was around 6-7 months, scary huh, when I was huge and obviously pregnant and my babies would move and kick and make my tummy into crazy shapes
- I seriously considered being a surrogate but my husband is completely set against it.
- I love going to the dentist. Nothing feels better than freshly polished teeth.
- My hobby is taking pictures, mostly of my children.
- My dream job is to be a photographer of children's portraits. I am just to lazy to learn enough to be a pro.
- The greatest smell on earth is children's hair fresh from a bath.
- Sometimes on Sundays I will take off my church clothes but stay in my slip and a t-shirt all day.
- Nothing is sweeter than an unsolicited hug or I love you from one of my children.
- I am still carrying 20 pounds of "baby fat" from my last pregnancy 6 years ago.
- I moved to SC from Connecticut when I was 9.
- My brothers, sister and I all still live in Bishopville near our Mom and Dad.
- I have met a couple of famous people but doubt anyone has heard of them. Guess they aren't that famous then.
- Don't talk to me in the morning until I have had at least one cup of coffee.
- Occasionally I will be sarcastic.
- My dream since childhood was to be a teacher and a mom. I've done both! Only the mom job stuck though. I quit teaching when I started having children.
- After my first child was born I felt an overwhelming love that I wasn't aware I was capable of. I absolutely loved my husband and still do but the love for your child is beyond comprehension. When I told my sister this while I was still in the hospital she was concerned for my marriage, now she has kids of her own and "gets it".
- I have an unnatural fear of vomit. I will do anything to avoid it. If I think there is a chance someone will throw up I am staying away. Do not come anywhere near me if you or anyone close to you has been sick or feels like they may be.
- My faith in God is what sustains me. I could not make it through a single day without the constant conversations with Him.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
A Camping We Will Go

Friday, February 6, 2009
I Love My Job
I work at the public library. Yeah, I know the three people that may actually read this diary already know that but I thought it was worth mentioning. Now close your eyes and think of what a library is like, well don't really close your eyes or you won't be able to read, just use your imagination. Our library is NOTHING like what you have in mind. Neither the building nor the staff is like any typical library. We are in an old building that was once a hotel and most recently a furniture store. This fine old building has been "fixed up" into one fabulous looking library. Most visitors comment that it looks like a coffee shop. As for the staff, on weekdays we are a group of four women. We all get along like sisters. We know things about each other: the good the bad and the ugly. We have been together for many years now and I think it shows. We love each other but have our moments like any group of women/sisters do. Come see us some day and you will see how fun a library can be. On any given day we may be yelling at each other and even some of our regular patrons, planning menus, or singing, (show tunes are a particular favorite but no song is safe). We don't ever whisper unless we are planning a practical joke on someone. Our regular patrons are used to our insanity but it is always a shock to newcomers how things are in this library. No SHHHH from us. We are the fun girls of the library world. That being said, just look at what I found when I got to work yesterday. Elizabeth has this strange need to save all of those little lunch bags you get from takeout restaurants. A trait that makes me nuts since I save nothing. While they had too much time on their hands she and Brenda decided to decorate my office door. I nearly wet my pants when I got in and saw this mess. I think I will leave it up for a while. It's kind of artsy don't you think?
Monday, February 2, 2009
Little Girl Time

Birthday Weekend