Thursday, March 19, 2009

More Q and A This Time About Daddy

I had so much fun hearing the children's answers to these questions about myself that I thought it would be interesting to hear what they had to say about their daddy too.

1. What is something daddy always says to you?
SA To clean our room, I mean bathroom
AG Hi, hello, I love you
J Take a nap

2. What makes daddy happy?
SA When our room is clean.
AG When our room is clean. When our bathroom is clean.
J When I do stuff for him.

3. What makes daddy sad?
SA When I get hurt.
AG Oh man, I don't know.
J When I don't listen.

4. How does daddy make you laugh?
SA He tickles me.
AG He's funny, he tells jokes.
J tickles me

5. What was your daddy like as a child?
SA I don't know mommy, I don't know.
AG I don't even know what you were like.
J bad

6. How old is your daddy?
SA 41
AG 41
J 41

7. How tall is your daddy?
SA shrugging Um 8 feet, no I mean 5.
AG pretty tall
J very tall

8. What is his favorite thing to do?
SA hunt
AG He really likes t0 shot the gun I guess. (this after we had been having target practice)
J shoot

9. What does your daddy do when you're not around?

SA hunt

AG I don't know

J I don't know.

10. If your daddy becomes famous, what will it be for?
SA hunting
AG french fries
J singing good

11. What is your daddy really good at?
SA hunting
AG He's good at hunting.
J coaching

12. What is your daddy not very good at?
SA eating cheese
AG Hmmm not yelling at us when our rooms not very clean when he comes to tuck us in
J shooting balls um basketballs

13. What does your daddy do for a job?
SA I don't know mama I don't know that question.
AG He's a forester.
J Measure trees

14.What is your daddy's favorite food?

SA steak

AG burgers

J vegetables

15.What makes you proud of your daddy?
SA that he's my daddy
AG We love each other.
J When he lets me buy stuff.

16. If Daddy was a cartoon character, who would he be?
SA Mickey Mouse
AG Goofy
J Scooby Do

17. What do you and daddy do together?
SA We ummmm go out for dinner sometimes. (this after a lot of thought)
AG We go out to eat.
J shoot

18. How are you and daddy the same?
SA eyes
AG we have brown eyes
J We both drink soda

19. How are you and daddy different?
SA feet
AG He's tall, I'm short.
J He drinks beer and I don't.

20. How do you know daddy loves you?
SA he hugs me
AG He gives me hugs and kisses and says I love you.
J I be nice to him and I love him too.

21. What does daddy like most about mommy?
SA that you read (again lots of thought)
AG I don't know.
J Ya'll are boyfriend and girlfriend.

22. What is Daddy's favorite place to go?
SA hunting
AG I really don't know that mom.
J work

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