Friday, May 15, 2009

My Boy

Josh had his 6 year check up yesterday (his birthday was in Jan. but who notices these things) so I picked him up early from school so we would be home in time for his ball game. When I got to his classroom he was sitting at his table holding a paper towel to his mouth. My precious boy lost another tooth. YUK! Have I mentioned that teeth totally gross me out. We had a good checkup with only one needle, and a finger stick to check cholesterol and hemoglobin. Josh did not like when the doctor had to check him "down there" but survived the embarrassment. He did want a prize though for being so brave when he got his shot so we headed to Toys R Us. He still had his gift card from a school program months ago. We walked all over the store twice trying to find just the right thing. My angel ended up picking an Atlanta Braves tee shirt. Seriously, with all of those toys to choose from and he picked a shirt. With the money he had left he chose some candy that he shared with his sisters. Isn't that sweet?

Well, this morning my sweet boy was pouting at the table eating his breakfast. When I asked him what was wrong he said the tooth fairy only brought him a dollar. What a creep! Life is so interesting with Josh around.

1 comment:

Steph said...

My sister tried to convince Jenkins that his first tooth was worth $20! I could have killed her! Look at the bright least now you can wash the "Monster Truck" shirt!