Saturday, May 16, 2009

Weekend Warriors

As I mentioned in a recent post, we are busy a lot these days. Well, this weekend was not an exception. Not much rest for this weary mom. Friday night the girls and I went to Lacie's dance recital at the Opera House. It was so cute. All of the the girls did a fabulous job and looked precious in their costumes. It was even better, in my humble opinion, because it lasted less than 45 minutes. That's right, less than 45 minutes start to finish. I am thinking my girls may have to sign up with Ms. Robin next year. I will steal some pictures from Jill as soon as I can.
Sara Abbett had a softball game at 9:00 this morning in McBee. We had to be there at 8:30 to warm up so there was no sleeping in on this weekend morning. The girls played hard and made some great plays but sadly they were not the winners this time. It was fun to watch regardless
of the outcome. Though I can't take any good distance shots the girls didn't seem to mind letting me in the dugout to catch a few closeups. Aren't they cute?

We left the game, hurried home, ran into the house to potty and change clothes then rushed back out to Anna Grace's show choir end of the year party at Mrs. Baker's house. The kids had a blast playing some games, singing karaoke and having a hamburger and hot dog lunch. A good time was had by all but by the time we left I was tired and still had about a dozen loads of laundry to do and some major grocery shopping to accomplish. My wonderful husband went to the store for me and I just worked on housework for the afternoon. Tomorrow looks to be equally as busy. God is so good to me.

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