Jill and I traded some children last night. Lacie came over to spend the night with us and she took Josh with her. We all just adore little miss Lacie Bug. She is all sass all the time and so cute you could eat her up. Timmy told her he was going to the court house today to have her name changed to Sassy Elizabeth instead of Lacie. Anyway, she and Sara Abbett both LOVE to play Barbies. Rab will go to her room and play by herself for hours on end. Kind of reminds me of me as a child. The girls set up a Barbie village in a corner of their room and played for a long time. Since I was also a Barbie girl I thought I would join them for a while. Oh my goodness what fun I had. I didn't even bother with the camera, just played. Life is good.

I couldn't resist getting a few pictures of our play space. Do you like Barbies room?
1 comment:
It was nice just having the two boys here. Even if I did catch Josh pretending to be golf clubs strapped on the back of the golf cart while Cameron was full speed ahead!!! They got along great and have such a good time together. Glad Sassi McElveen wasn't too much trouble. Ask her if Uncle Timmy went to the court house!!!
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