Things have been kind of crazy in the life of the Kirvens lately. We have had numerous doctor appointments, some construction on the house and had a party for our wonderful friend and former baby sitter Hannah.
Our doctor's appointments started with Rabbie. Sara Abbett did not pass her hearing tests at school so we took her to the pediatrician to have a more professional test done. She didn't pass the first or the follow up so we met with an ENT to see what was causing the problem. Since Tim and I both have hearing loss in our families I was kind of worried that she had a real problem. I know that in the grand scheme of things a little hearing loss is nothing but I just couldn't help the worry. I'm a mom! Well, it turned out that she had fluid behind her ear and she had to have tubes put in. Easy as that. It blows my mind that she should have them at six when she has had only one ear infection. We have that behind us and if I can remember to put plugs in her ears when she bathes or swims we should have one problem solved.
I also had an appointment that had me worried but again all is well. I have some bad places on my face from years of sun burning. The dermatologist gave me some cream to put on them that he said will make them go away without cutting them. YAY! He also said that if I take care of my skin now it will heal and I will look better in 10 years than I do today. Oh I do hope that is true. Another problem solved. I feel so blessed to have God's protection in both of these cases. They could have been more serious problems but the Lord has kept us well.
Tim and I decided that we would use our back porch a lot more if we closed it in so, between visits to doctors, I made several trips to a building supply warehouse to pick up extra materials to finish the project. I have to say it was worth every drop of gas that I used up to have a porch that we can enjoy. I will have to post some pictures later. It is not completely finished because we ran out of the wood we are using on the walls and there is no way I can take another day off for a while to pick up more. I am thankful to Mr. Brown, our builder, for all of the hard work he did to get it looking so good before Hannah's party. If you don't know me let me just say that I am not a planner. I usually get things done at the last minute and enjoy it that way so waiting until two weeks before a big party to start a renovation worked for me.
Hannah's party was nice, my house is clean and my life is good.