Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Baseball Season

It's that time again. T-ball, coaches pitch and baseball is now in full swing. Josh, Cameron, Zeke and Blane had their first coaches pitch game last night and Hampton had t-ball. Fun times.

Pre game pictures for mom. GAME FACE!!

Cheese too

He's ready to catch.

He's ready to hit.

Cameron has his eye on the ball.

So does Zeke.

And Blane too.

Hampton looks so stylish in his uniform.

Of course, after a long evening of ball you should eat spaghetti and let it hang out of your mouth.

1 comment:

Kacy said...

Wow, sounds like you'll be busy for the entire summer with that many ball players to watch! I love keeping up with your children. Your girls are beautiful and that little man of yours is too cute! Your posts make me laugh and realize that the fun will never end, even when all of these "toddler" and "baby" episodes are over! What fun!!
Thanks, Kerri Woodham Pennington