Saturday, August 30, 2008
7 Years
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Quality Family Time
Nothing says togetherness like a bunch of guns blasting. Timmy and Will were target and skeet shooting Saturday night in the field and woods behind the house. Not girls to be left out of anything, Jill and I each took a turn shooting. She was quite a good shot but alas I was not even able to see the target through the scope on the rifle. The kids actually thought it was fun to pick up the spent shells and to look at the target for holes. Jeff Foxworthy will probably want to feature our family on a program of You Might be a Redneck if... Life is good!
We Made It
I am also thrilled to report that all three loved their first week of school. AG loves her class and Mrs. Manuel. I hope Mrs. M will continue to encourage Gracie's love of books as her past teachers have but push her a bit harder with math. Gray does not like math at all and will probably struggle with it some this year. I plan to get my lazy rear in gear and work with her on it. The kid would rather read in math class.
Rab, the easy going baby, is just as happy as can be in Mrs. Welch's class. She is thrilled to have two of her best friends in the same class with her. She has brought home papers with beautiful handwriting already. We just know SA will be reading chapter books before much longer. Gracie was reading the Bible by the time she finished Mrs. Welch's first grade. Surely Rabbie will read the Bible and maybe War and Peace. hee hee Seriously though, I am thrilled to have Mrs. W again this year. She is the best teacher ever!
Josh is going to keep us all on our toes. He got one of his smiley faces taken on the second day for hitting. I asked him why he hit Jackson and he gave me his standard, "he hit me first" answer. I told him that there is no excuse for hitting and that he was gonna have to tell his daddy himself what happened. When Tim got home he had enough sense to ask J why Jackson had hit him (a question I didn't even think to ask) and Josh sheepishly said, "because I tried to bite him." WHAT?!! The kid is gonna be the death of me. I talked to "Miss" Bebe today and she said all of this occurred in the bathroom and that Josh had tried to bite Jackson on the behind. Pray for me people cause I don't know what I am gonna do with that boy.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
School is in Session
Monday, August 18, 2008
Only Two More Days
Saturday, August 16, 2008
A Few From Aunt Lindy

Friday, August 15, 2008
Outdoor Wonders by Anna Grace
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Cheerleader Camp
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
A Special Visit
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Beach Week 2008
Waiting for the ice cream truck.
People say they look alike.
Our Olympians
Run Joshie Run
A Superman tattoo just like James Davis
cool dudes
pretty girls
Mommy and Rab riding on a boat
too cute
best buddies
Coppertone boy
Lacie running fast
hamming it up
the Martha Washington
my girls
peas and carrots
riding the raft
Cameron watching Miss Heather cut hair.
I love this one!!
We're home!!! Vacation was wonderful this year. I, being the one who can get kind of cranky, had a long talk with myself and God on the way down about remembering how excited the children are about being at the beach and trying to keep my cool when things are not exactly as I want them to be. Pat me on the back, I stayed pretty calm most of the week. I only lost my temper once or twice with my oldest because her attitude at times makes me insane. She is a mini me.
As the children get older it gets easier for the grown ups. We are completely out of diapers now and the two youngest have learned to swim without life jackets. Huge steps in saving our sanity. We swam in the ocean and the pool, tried our hand at fishing, went crabbing one night and just hung out together. The highlight of the week though was Mary Ellen's Birthday Olympics. Since her big day was the same as the opening of the Summer Olympics, Mere planned some great games and races for the kids to play on the beach. Mom and her sister were in charge of the opening and closing ceremonies. I wish I had the video of their singing . People all around us just smiled as they walked by surely thinking we were all nuts. Life is good.