Saturday, March 29, 2008
Spring Break is Over
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
All Day With Mom
I feel sorry for people who don't have the opportunity to do all the great things Papa has enabled my children to experience. I love the fact that my babies have held baby chicks, rabbits and goats. They have fed the chickens, horses, cows, pigs and even bottle fed a motherless calf and deer. They know what it is like to ride a tractor and see first hand where some of our produce comes from. We have witnessed chickens hatching from the eggs laid by the mama hen right on the farm. They have been out to collect eggs from the hens and picked their own corn out of the field. Papa has cut back on some of his animal population in the last year, here are a few of his remaining pets.
Mama hen and her chick Papa bunny. Mama didn't want her picture taken as her babies are coming soon.
Uncle Will's pet snakes. YUK
Uncle Will's monster truck "big red" He took them for a ride in it while I visited with Papa in his office. Josh is standing up next to this truck. It is very "tall".
posing on one of the gates by the horse barn
After the farm we tried the park for a while. We didn't last long because a group of older children came in and were using some pretty rude language. We did get to play on the monkey bars and swing for a few minutes.
Josh was saying, "Mama, why do you keep taking my picture? Just push me."
After the park we decided home is best. All three thought it was warm enough to put on their bathing suits. They climbed the trees, rode bicycles and played tennis against the side of the house. I did stop them before they played in the sprinkler. All in all it was a good day. I hope to come up with something even better for Friday.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Spring Break
My precious niece and nephew, Cameron and Lacie, came over to help us too. It was amazing how well the children got along.
Today it is back to work and day care for the Kirvens. I really need to come up with something fun for the babies to do while they have no homework and don't have to get to bed quite as early as on school nights. I had planned to take them to the beach Thursday for the weekend but several things have come up and it's not gonna happen this year. I have taken the time off from the library already so maybe something will come to me by then.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Rab loves "Miss" Kim
Sara Abbett's class
sack race - winning round 1
Saturday we had our church's egg hunt.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
How Does She Do It?
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Horray Spring
My precious angels do have a good time making up games to keep themselves occupied.
Bathing suit tennis, basketball (w/o a goal), baseball, and bike riding...does it get any better than this?
Notice the look on J's face. Think he's looking for trouble.
When Josh made fun of Rab's hair she said, "If you had long hair and were playing tennis you would have to wear it like this too." Doubt it sister!!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Boys vs. Girls
On a lighter note. AG had a birthday party for one of her classmates yesterday afternoon. I told her I simply did not have any money to buy the child a gift and thought we should stay home. My precious child went to her playroom and made a bracelet for her friend. Now I feel sure the little girl did not even notice that little gift when everyone else gave her a Webkin but I was proud of Gracie for being creative. She is so frighteningly like me in most ways but thankfully not in every way. She is generous, caring, and kind to others most of the time. It makes me so proud to be her mom.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Here are the girls in their glamorous outfits today:
Sara Abbett is wearing a precious brown flowered top with a pink sash and denim mini skirt with a ruffled hem over black leggings with pink polka dots. How adorable is that! To complete her look Miss Rabbit has on pink cowgirl boots.
Our next model is Anna Grace. Gracie has on her sister's black leggings under a layered black knit skirt. On top of this she has on an extra long black sparkly t-shirt. As a spectacular finish to her outfit Miss Grace is wearing black and white polka dotted sneakers.
Not one to be lift out, Josh put on jeans and an orange shirt with his sister's orange Crocs.
My life is good!!!