Thursday, March 20, 2008

How Does She Do It?

By she I mean the mom with several children, or the single mom or the mom with no other family around to help her. Life with children is so much better than it would be without them but insanely busy some times. How does the mom with many children get them all up, dressed, fed and to school on time? Or the single mom...what if she is sick? How in the world does she function without a spouse to step in and help? I really feel for the moms who don't have their own mom, a sister or sister in law to help them in a pinch. I am so truly blessed to have a husband and family who are always willing to help me with my three children. Life gets crazy and it would be impossible without the love and support of the amazing people in my life. This week we have three different Easter parties at school. It is impossible for me to get to all of them. Sara Abbett's and Josh's are at the same time on opposite sides of town. Dilemma..... I had planned to go to Josh's because I never do for him like I do for the girls until, when I asked SA if she cared if I missed her party she said, "It's ok mommy, you didn't go last year either so I didn't expect you to go this year." I am going to hers! Anna Grace is having a field day on campus at a different time. Maybe I will go for a bit to take some pictures.

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