Every day is an adventure when you have children. This morning I went up to wake Josh up as usual but Mr. Naughty thought it would be fun to touch my boobs. I had already explained to him that you do NOT touch girls in that way, even went as far as to tell him that you could go to jail for it but that obviously did not sink in. When I moved his hands and again told him that it is wrong to touch ladies he hugged me, laughed and said, "Now my face is touching your boobies." I finally had to just walk away from him because no matter what I said or did he continued to act like creep. I fear the day when he does get locked up for this kind of behavior. He has gotten out of control lately. Mind you this is the day after I had to take him out of church and have a private word of prayer with him for being sassy to the preacher during the children's sermon. I have said many bad words and things inappropriate in front of the children but never, blah blah blah when someone is talking. Where in the world did the kid learn this. I may go insane before he makes it through school. 
On a lighter note. AG had a birthday party for one of her classmates yesterday afternoon. I told her I simply did not have any money to buy the child a gift and thought we should stay home. My precious child went to her playroom and made a bracelet for her friend. Now I feel sure the little girl did not even notice that little gift when everyone else gave her a Webkin but I was proud of Gracie for being creative. She is so frighteningly like me in most ways but thankfully not in every way. She is generous, caring, and kind to others most of the time. It makes me so proud to be her mom.
On a lighter note. AG had a birthday party for one of her classmates yesterday afternoon. I told her I simply did not have any money to buy the child a gift and thought we should stay home. My precious child went to her playroom and made a bracelet for her friend. Now I feel sure the little girl did not even notice that little gift when everyone else gave her a Webkin but I was proud of Gracie for being creative. She is so frighteningly like me in most ways but thankfully not in every way. She is generous, caring, and kind to others most of the time. It makes me so proud to be her mom.
Missy, first of all I HAVE to get a copy of this picture you're talking about! And second I could kiss your daughter....what a sweet child! :) It's amazing how old and not cool you feel just because you're a parent. Mine is not even old enough to know how "uncool" I am yet. That is so nice to hear. Please tell her I said thank you. And just so you know, I'm still crackin up at that story about your son. Makes me scared to have a boy. I have no idea how to handle that stuff!!!
Once you figure out how to get Josh from being touchy/feely PLEASE let me know...just tonight I had to scold Parker for playing "tee-tee" games with his brother!! I too fear reading headlines one day that he's going to jail!!
I hate Chris and I were not in church Sunday to witness this!
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